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Best Kissing Tips For Men

Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz
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Regardless of what kind of relationship you’re in, knowing how to be a good kisser matter. However, this guide is more beneficial for men most especially if you’re in the early dating stages. The reason being is that men are usually the ones to initiate the kiss.

Don’t turn your date off and compromise the best possible relationship of your life. If you’re tired of being rejected because you don’t know how to use your mouth properly, keep reading.

What A Kiss Means

Apart from movie kisses, all kinds of kisses mean something. No matter what degree it holds, it’s important to know what it exactly means. Below is a list of the most common kisses that people engage in.

couple kissing

Cheek To Cheek

This kiss is considered harmless as this is performed even to acquaintances. Sometimes, it’s even done in social events by two people who don’t know each other. In most cultures, a cheek-to-cheek kiss is as harmless as a handshake.

This is perfect for two people meeting on their first date. What this does is it expresses that both parties are comfortable with each other. It also makes the mood less frigid. For you and your trans date to loosen up, do a cheek-to-cheek kiss on her before pulling out her chair.

Kiss On The Hand

This type of kiss is mostly done by gentlemen. It’s quite rare nowadays but will surely impress her on the first date. Don’t forget to look into her eyes seductively as you do this to amplify your message of attraction.

Lip Kiss

The lip kiss varies in degrees and depends upon who does it. Most people associate lip kisses with romance but this is far from the truth. A lot of parents kiss their children on the lips. Many people who are not romantically involved get into it as well.

However, just to stay on the safe side, don’t initiate this kiss on the first date. She won’t only you only want something out of her. She will also find that your manners are unpolished.

French Kiss

The French Kiss will not only teach you how to be a good kisser, but it will also inform you of how to be a GREAT kisser. This is done if both parties are already involved romantically. It’s what’s considered the top level when it comes to kisses.

What this entails is a lot of tongue and mouth sharing. This is why for you to properly French kiss someone, preparation is key. In order to do this properly, follow the steps below.

8-step French kissing guide

  1. Brush your teeth and use a breath spray.
  2. Start with playful kisses on the lip then start opening your mouth wider for more.
  3. Lick her tongue ever so gently and don’t move everything at a fast pace.
  4. Remember to properly breathe from your nose and not too hard; be sure that your airflow won’t distract the moment. If you breathe from your mouth, the kiss will intermittently stop and ruin the whole mood.
  5. Close your eyes while French kissing. You’ll be too close to her and an open-eyed kiss will freak her out.
  6. Don’t just kiss the mouth. Take little breaks by kissing her neck, ears, and decolletage from time to time.
  7. Remember to use your hands while kissing her. What would make it quite hot is if you grab her butt while doing so.
  8. Never lick her face. This is disgusting and would immediately put you in the block list.

Only French kiss her if…

  1. She doesn’t try to stop you to do so.
  2. You’re his boyfriend or partner.
  3. She explicitly gives you consent or initiates it.

Forehead Kiss

If you already have a trans girlfriend and you’re just researching how to be a good kisser for improvement, one of the best kisses to integrate into your relationship is the forehead kiss.

The reason being is that a forehead kiss means that you will love someone forever. You can do this while you’re cuddling or out on a whim. Express this as much as you can because it’s like planting a seed and can be quite powerful.

Neck Kiss

If you both have a job, do this sparingly. The reason being is because this may lead to kiss marks and you don’t want to be the latest gossip in the office. Soft neck kisses are good for foreplay and for being playful with your lover.

However, don’t use a lot of tongue in this because it could turn gross for the receiver. After all, the mouth is home to millions of bacteria.

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Kissing Your Trans Date or Partner

Now that you know what the different types of kisses are, it’s time to know how to be a great kisser. In this section, you will learn actionable information that you can use in your future trans dates.

couple under sunset

First Date

As mentioned above, the cheek-to-cheek kiss is a great ice breaker. You can start doing this before the date and level up to a lip kiss at the end of the night. If you do this correctly, she will feel like you’d want to take her out on the next date without coming off as too aggressive.

Ending the date with a French kiss can work as well. But you have to consider if you’re dating someone prudish or quite conservative. For the latter, end your night with a kiss on the hand instead.

First S*x

What better ammo to use other than the French kiss on the first s*x? Please remember the 8-step guide to properly execute it! This will be the first time that she’ll have a taste of you. Your goal should be to leave her wanting more.

Long-term Relationship

If you have been with her for a long time, you may have not been doing enough forehead kisses. Added to that, you should also take out the kiss on the hand technique from the box. By doing so, you will be able to show her that after many years of being together, you still adore, respect, and love her.

Posted in Love and Relationships
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About the author

Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz
Amanda Valentine is a transgender woman who has written about trans topics for over 10 years for My Transgender Date. She is an author who made it on Amazon’s best-seller list by writing 5 books on trans women’s relationships. Her book “Dating Transgender Women for Gentlemen” peaked at #3 in the Transgender Studies category on Amazon. She started writing at the age of 10 and won a poetry contest in 4th grade which convinced her to pursue a career in literature. Her personal experiences as a transgender woman give her a unique perspective on trans topics.

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Comments (2)

  • Im a trans woman and my name is Glenda and I love french kissing my boyfriend and the s*x is so gooood! I love being a woman!

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